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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

What is Robotics?


           Robotics is a branch of technology that leads with design, construction, operation, and application of robots. It is a branch of mechanical engineering.
           These robots are mainly used or manufactured for the purpose of replacing humans in dangerous environment and for manufacturing process. It is also made to resemble humans in appearance and do some activities that humans do in human like way. Today robotics is growing rapidly but still there is lot to be developed like these robots do not  have the capacity of solving the problems without being programmed. Yeah it has AI (artificial intelligence) but it is not grown to a level of humans brain. But it may be possible in future.

HONDA ASIMO an humanoid robot who took birth in 2000 at Japan. 130 cm height and 54 KG of weight. It has walking speed of 2.7 km/hr and running at 6 km/hr. He can adjust his speed, length etc. of his steps. It can recognize environment, face, he can also distinguish between voices etc. 
NAO 58 cm tall Humanoid robot.
He moves, recognizes you, and also talks to you.
His date of birth (first NAO manufactured) is 2006. Before being ready for home use he worked out in the field of education in more than 70 countries in primary school to universities.
With the help of NAO students can learn programming in a fun and practical way.

TOPIO a Japanese robot which was developed in 2005, it plays ping pong and he has advanced AI so that he can continuously improve his skills while playing. He is approximately 1.88 m tall and waighs nearly 120 KG.

Thank you............

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